Thursday, July 17, 2008

Three Days and Counting ...

Looks like the Panablogs have retired to Old Senterhook, their weekend retreat in the Ozarks. Fanablog wishes them a restful break and eagerly awaits their return for the anniversary extravabonanza.

For prominent couples like the Panablogs, retreats have long provided crucial respite. Teddy and Edith Roosevelt spent many a renewing weekend at Pine Knot, for example. And look what that rest enabled Teddy to do. Yeah, build a freakin' canal that would forever change the world and set in motion a string of events that are just now being realized.

I think it's probably a good idea for all of us to take a little break before the festivities of July 20. Actually, this break is the perfect opportunity for you to curl up with your laptop and just reread every word of panablog. Maybe compile your top 30 favorite quotes from panablog. Or maybe just enjoy it at its most basic level, as the most greatest thing in the history of the world ever.

See you Sunday!

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