Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Welcome to Fanablog!

Welcome to Fanablog, the interweb's #1 panablog fan blog. I started this blog to support the Panablogs in anyway I possibly can.

In case you've been hiding in a cave for the past 19 days, panablog is the interweb's #1 Panama Peace Corps blog, written and hosted by Jay and Julia Panablog. They are so cool. Sort of a modern-day Theodore and Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt.

If you have any suggestions about how I can better serve panablog, please drop me a line. Team Fanablog is working hard on a number of initiatives, including a panablog conference, a panablog t-shirt, and full 24/7 panablog customer service. We're also developing the capabilities to host any overflow visitors to panablog. Or if panablog were to ever crash the Typepad server (which will likely occur when they appear on Oprah), Fanablog could serve as a panablog refugee camp, providing archived posts and reasonably priced merchandise to those in need.

So welcome and get ready for the two panagreatest years of your life!

1 comment:

Snakin said...

This is GREAT! Finally, a place for the panablogophiles to meet and talk about panablog. Yes!